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03 9786 9111


33 Klauer St, Seaford VIC 3198

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Nepean School

An innovative, inclusive and supportive learning environment for children and young people with a physical disability and/or complex health impairment.

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Child Safe

A child safe organisation puts the best interests of children and young people first. At Nepean School we have a positive culture, adopt strategies and take action to promote child wellbeing and prevent harm to children and young people.

You can read more about our commitment to Child Safety by clicking any of these links.

School Policies

Our school policies ensure that Nepean School is a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for all community members. 

Our policies are developed according to Department of Education templates and requirements. Our school policies guide and determine our actions in day-to-day activities. Below are just some of the key policies our school upholds. 

Annual Report to the School Community 

The Annual Report provides principals and school councils with an opportunity to share the year’s achievements and progress with the school community. This includes reflecting on the school’s performance and explaining the impact of school improvement efforts on student outcomes.